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Tips to Stay Safe in a Hurricane

 With hurricane season here, IAFF Local #399 encourages residents to prepare for natural disasters by preparing supplies and checking for potential hazards.


“The greatest potential for loss of life in a hurricane is from the storm surge,” says Jeff Nesom, the Union President at Local #399. “Preparing for the storm can greatly help in preventing a tragedy during and after a hurricane.”

Most hurricane warnings are issued within 36 hours of the disaster, reports the American Red Cross, giving residents time to prepare.


Before a Hurricane




Follow the hurricane safety checklist recommended by American Red Cross

Prepare a natural disaster emergency kit, including batteries, flashlights, food, water, copies of personal documents and a first aid kit.

Consider purchasing a generator in case of a power outage.

After a Hurricane


Smell and listen for gas leaks. If you find one, leave your home and leave the doors open.

Use flashlights instead of candles to prevent possible explosions.

Assume that all wires are electrically charged.

Replace appliances that emit smoke or sparks.

Follow all generator instructions.

Run the generator only outside.

Do not overload power cords.

Do not run cords under rugs or carpets.

If you are evacuated from your home, return only when officials say it is safe to do so.

After any significant natural disaster where your home has been damaged, have a licensed professional check the gas system and electrical wiring of your home for damage.

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